_________________ Na Rubu Znanosti: David Icke - Pozadina ratova, financijske krize i ostalih svjetskih zbivanja Take a moment every day to appreciate your most precious gift. It did not have to be, but we were given the gift of life. Honor that gift by living beautifully and by giving back a little beauty as we go along the way. Life wants nothing more than to be appreciated and fully enjoyed.
Luca Ljubitelj foruma
Broj postova : 6596 Godine : 52 Lokacija : nowhere Datum registracije : 16.12.2012
'ajmo se napiti zajedno, ja sam se crnog vina prihvatio, živio ti meni kolega! Nemam ti ja neke pripreme za blagdane, ja sam ti buntovnik i anarhista koji odbija biti dio potrošačkog blagdanskog ludila, ne kitim bor, ne kupujem ništa posebno što ne bi kupio i inače, duhovne blagdane nastojim duhovno obilježiti a ne tako što ću trgovcima dati 1000 kunu za dva dana gozbe.
_________________ Na Rubu Znanosti: David Icke - Pozadina ratova, financijske krize i ostalih svjetskih zbivanja Take a moment every day to appreciate your most precious gift. It did not have to be, but we were given the gift of life. Honor that gift by living beautifully and by giving back a little beauty as we go along the way. Life wants nothing more than to be appreciated and fully enjoyed.
Luca Ljubitelj foruma
Broj postova : 6596 Godine : 52 Lokacija : nowhere Datum registracije : 16.12.2012
Razumijem te, ja živim sam pa ne moram zbog nikoga ništa kititi itd... Gdje ti ono živiš, ako si blizu da se zbilja napijemo...
_________________ Na Rubu Znanosti: David Icke - Pozadina ratova, financijske krize i ostalih svjetskih zbivanja Take a moment every day to appreciate your most precious gift. It did not have to be, but we were given the gift of life. Honor that gift by living beautifully and by giving back a little beauty as we go along the way. Life wants nothing more than to be appreciated and fully enjoyed.
Luca Ljubitelj foruma
Broj postova : 6596 Godine : 52 Lokacija : nowhere Datum registracije : 16.12.2012
_________________ Na Rubu Znanosti: David Icke - Pozadina ratova, financijske krize i ostalih svjetskih zbivanja Take a moment every day to appreciate your most precious gift. It did not have to be, but we were given the gift of life. Honor that gift by living beautifully and by giving back a little beauty as we go along the way. Life wants nothing more than to be appreciated and fully enjoyed.
Luca Ljubitelj foruma
Broj postova : 6596 Godine : 52 Lokacija : nowhere Datum registracije : 16.12.2012
_________________ Na Rubu Znanosti: David Icke - Pozadina ratova, financijske krize i ostalih svjetskih zbivanja Take a moment every day to appreciate your most precious gift. It did not have to be, but we were given the gift of life. Honor that gift by living beautifully and by giving back a little beauty as we go along the way. Life wants nothing more than to be appreciated and fully enjoyed.
Luna2 Ljubitelj foruma
Broj postova : 4152 Godine : 47 Datum registracije : 01.12.2012
Pico bleso i k**** je meso nema kosti al može te ubosti...
_________________ Na Rubu Znanosti: David Icke - Pozadina ratova, financijske krize i ostalih svjetskih zbivanja Take a moment every day to appreciate your most precious gift. It did not have to be, but we were given the gift of life. Honor that gift by living beautifully and by giving back a little beauty as we go along the way. Life wants nothing more than to be appreciated and fully enjoyed.
Luca Ljubitelj foruma
Broj postova : 6596 Godine : 52 Lokacija : nowhere Datum registracije : 16.12.2012