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 Poznati Indijanci

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Cancer Rooster
Broj postova : 80547
Godine : 43
Lokacija : Bjelovar
Datum registracije : 24.09.2008

Poznati Indijanci Empty
PostajNaslov: Poznati Indijanci   Poznati Indijanci I_icon_minitime19.09.11 16:12

Glumci i pjevači:
Abel Fernandez. (Meksički Indijanac)
Adam Beach (Chippewa)
Alan Tafoya (Apache)
Alex Rice (Mohawk) glumica
Amanda Van Roberts (Kiowa/Chickasaw/Blackfoot)
Amber Gunn (Winnebago)
Angel McFarland-Sobotta (Nez Perce)
Annie Galipeau (Maniwaki Algonquin)
Anthony Parker (Omaha)
Apesanahkwat (Menominee)
Armand Soriano (Aztec)
Arnold Cardinal (Cree)
Arron Brooks (Cree)
Ashley Callingbull (Cree)
August Schellenberg (Mohawk)
Benjamin Bratt (Quechua)
Billy Merasty (Cree)
Billy Two Rivers (Mohawk)
Bradford F. Kelly (Chippewa)
Bret Culpepper (Cherokee/Oneida)
Brian Frejo (Seminole/Pawnee)
Brummett Echohawk (Pawnee)
Buffalo Child (Cree)
Buffy Sainte-Marie (Cree)
Byron Chief Moon (Sioux/Blackfoot)
Cameron Mustain (Maya)
Carmen Moore (Hwotsotenne)
Carolina Hoyos (Quechua)
Casey Camp-Horinek (Ponca)
Cecile Dale (Cree)
Charles White Eagle (Sioux)
Charlie Hill (Oneida)
Chief Dave Bald Eagle (Sioux)
Chief Leonard George (Burrard)
Courtney Red Horse Mohl (Cherokee)
Curtis Jonnie (Chippewa)
Dakota House (Cree)
Danielle Soames (Mohawk)
Darwin Seed (Cree)
Deanna Allison
Dennis Ambriz
Duane Loken (Comanche)
Dustin Bailey (Osage)
Eric Schweig ()
Evan Adams
Frank Salsedo (Wappo/Klamath)
George Leach (Sta’atl’imx)
Gerald Auger
Gary Farmer (Cayuga)
Graham Greene (Oneida)
Irma-Estel LaGuerre (Aztec/Taino)
Jani Lauzon
Jared O'Brien (Gitksan)
Jeanine Standing Bear (Sioux)
Jennifer Podemski (Saulteaux)
Jennifer Rice (Tuscarora/Irkinja)
John Belindo (Kiowa)
Jules H. Desjarlais (Saulteaux/Metis)
Jonathon Brewer
Kalani Queypo (Blackfoot/Havajac)
Karina Leigh (Yaqui/Latina)
Kelly Ray Vallo
Kimberly Blackbird Littlejohn (Cherokee)
Lois Red Elk (Sioux)
Lorraine Thomas
Mariel Belanger (Okanagon)
Mark Redsky (Chippewa)
Melanie Manuel
Michael Greyeyes (Cree)
Michelle Latimer
Misty Upham (Blackfoot)
Monique Mojica (Cuna/Rappahannock)
Natalie Noel
Natalie Yazzie (Navaho)
Nathan Chasing Horse (Sioux)
Nick Ramus
Nodin Hewitt (Chippewa)
Phaedra Pardue-Blackwolf ()
Phenocia Bauerle (Crow)
Rachel Seenie
Raoul Trujillo (Apache). Glumac i plesač
Rebecca Berenson (Cherokee)
Royana Black (Mohawk/Paugussett)
Sarain Waskewitch
Saginaw Grant (Sauk & Fox)
Shane Zwack
Sonny Landham (Cherokee)
Sonny Skyhawk (Sioux)
Summer Baldwin (Lemhi Shoshone/Bannock)
Tokala Clifford (Sioux)
Wes Studi (Cherokee)
Wil Yazzie (Navaho)
Vince "White Owl" Ramirez (Navaho)
Will Moreau
Yma Sumac pjevačica
Zahn McClarnon (Sioux)
Benito Juarez (Zapotec) predsjednik Meksika
Charles Curtis (Kansa) pod-predsjednik SAD
Velike poglavice
Addih-Hiddisch. Hidatsa
Alchisay (Alchisea, Alchise). White Mountain Apaches
Allalimya Takanin (Looking Glass) Nez Perce
American Horse
American Horse, Elder (Washicun Tashanka, Iron Shield) Oglala Sioux
Atahualpa. Quechua
Barboncito (Barbon) Navaho
Bear Cut Ear. Crow
Bear's Rib (Mato Chu-Tu-Hu). Hunkpapa Sioux
Big Eagle. Santee Sioux
Big Bear. Cree
Big Bow (Zipkiyah, Zipkoheta, Zepko-Eete). Kiowa
Big Foot (Spotted Elk). Miniconjou Sioux
Big Tree. Kiowa
Big Tree (Adoeette). Kiowa
Billy Bowlegs (Holata Mico). Seminole
Black Beaver. Delaware. /Vođa i skaut/
Black Eagle (Wa budi-sapa). Assiniboin
Black Elk (Hehaka Sapa). Oglala Sioux
Black Elk
Black Hawk (Makataimeshekiakiak) Sac
Black Kettle (Moketavato). Cheyenne
Black Mocassin. Haida
Blackfoot. Crow
Blue Jacket (Weyapiersenwah) Shawnee
Bonito. Chiricahua Apaches
Bow and Quiver. Comanche
Bull Chief. Crow
Captain Jack (Kintpuash). Modoc
Chato. Mescalero
Chief Charlot, elder (Victor Charlot). Flathead
Chono Ca Pe. Oto
Cochise ( Hardwood ) Chiricahua Apache
Cornplanter. Seneca
Crazy Bear. Oglala Sioux
Crazy Horse (Tashunca-uitco)
Crow Dog (Kangi Sunka). Brule Sioux
Crow Foot (Isapo-Muxila) Kainah
Crow King. Hunkpapa Sioux
Cumnacatogue (Standing Turkey). Cherokee
Cut Nose. Arapaho
Does Everything. Crow
Dohosan (Little Bluff) Kiowa
Dull Knife (Morning Star) Cheyenne
Eagle Elk. Oglala Sioux
Flat Mouth (Flatmouth). Chippewa
Fools Crow. Oglala Sioux
Gall ( Pizi ) Hunkpapa Sioux
Garfield, Chief. Jicarilla
Geronimo (Goyathlay) Bedonkohe Apache
Grizzly Bear. Menominee
H Coa H'Coa-Coates-Min (Rabbit's Skin Leggins) Nez Perce
He-Dog Oglala Sioux
He-Han-Du-Ta (Red Owl). Mdewakanton Sioux
Hiawatha (Aionwantha). Mohawk
High Hawk. Brule Sioux
Hole-In-The-Day, Younger (Bugonegijig). Chippewa
Hollow Horn Bear (Matihehlogego). Brule Sioux
Horse Chief. Pawnee
Ignacio. Weeminuche Ute
Iron Bull. Crow
Iron Tail (Sinte Maza). Oglala Sioux
Jason, Chief (Kalkalshuatash). Nez Perce
John Grass (Pezi). Teton Sioux
John Ross (Coowescoowe , The Egret) Cherokee
Joseph, Chief (Hinmaton Yalatkit) Nez Perce
Kah-nung-da-tla-geh (Major Ridge). Cherokee
Kanagagota (Standing Turkey) Cherokee
Keokuk. Sauk & Fox
Kickapoo. Mandan
Kicking Bear. Oglala Sioux
Kicking Bird (Tene-angop'te) Kiowa
Lame Deer, John Fire. Oglala Sioux
Lap-paWin-Soe. Delaware
Lawyer. Nez Perce
Lean Bear (Awoninahku). Cheyenne
Leschi. Nisqually
Lewis Downing. Cherokee
Little. Oglala Sioux
Little Big Man. Ogalla Sioux
Little Crow. Santee
Little Hill. Winnebago
Little Raven. Arapaho
Little Six (Shakopee) Mdewakanton Sioux
Little Soldier. Yankton
Little Turtle (Michikinikwa). Miami
Little Wolf (Ohkom Kakit) Northern Cheyenne
Little Wound. Oglala Sioux
Loco. Warm Springs Apaches
Lone Wolf (Guipago) Kiowa
Ma-Has-Kah. Iowa
Man Afraid Of His Horses, Younger (Tasunkkakokipapi). Oglala Sioux
Mangas Coloradas. Chiricahua Apaches
Manuelito ([[HastíCh’ilhajinii]]) Navaho
Martin Charlot, younger. Flathead
Massai (Big Foot). Chiricahua Apache
Mato-Tope. Mandan
Mehkskehme-Sukubs. Piegan
Menawa. Muskogee
Montezuma Aztec
Moses (Quelatican) Sinkiuse
Mountain Chief (Ninastoko). Siksika
Naiche. Chiricahua
Nana /Nanay, Nane/ (Mimbreno Apache)
Nawkaw (Walking Turtle). Winnebago
Niawasis (Black Coal). Arapaho
No-Tin. Chippewa
Okee-Makee-Quid. Chippewa
One Bull. Hunkpapa Sioux
Ongpatonga (Big Elk, Elder) Omaha
Osceola (Asi-Yahola, Bill Powell, Talcy) Seminole
Ostenaco. Cherokee
Ouray (The Arrow). Tabeguache Ute
Pacer (Peso, Essa-Queta). Kiowa Apache
Pawnee Killer. Oglala Sioux
Pebriska-Rubpa. Hidatsa
Perits-Shinakpas (Medicine Crow) Crow
Petalesharo ("Man Chief"). Pawnee
Plenty Coups. Crow
Pontiac (Ponteach) Ottawa
Powder Face. Arapaho
Pretty Eagle. Crow
Propio-Maks. Walla Walla
Pteh-Skah. Assiniboin
Pushmataha. Choctaw
Quanah Parker Comanche
Rain-in-the-Face (Iromagaja) Hunkpapa Sioux
Red Cloud (Makhpiya-luta) Oglala Sioux
Redbird Smith. Cherokee
Roman Nose (Woqini, Hook Nose). Southern Cheyenne
Running Antelope. Hunkpapa Sioux
San Juan. Mescalero Apaches
Satank (Setangya, Sitting Bear). Kiowa
Satanta (Set-Tainte) Kiowa
Seattle Duwamish & Suquamish
See-non-ty-a. Iowa
Sequoya (Suh-kwoy'-uh) Cherokee
Shavano. Tabeguache Ute
Shot in the Hand. Crow
Shot In The Eye. Oglala Sioux
Sitting Bull (Tatanka-Iyotanka) Hunkpapa Sioux
Sleepy Eye (Eshtahumbah). Sisseton Sioux
Spotted Tail (Sinte Galeska). Brule Sioux
Stand Watie. Cherokee
Standing Bear (Mo-Chu-No-Zhi). Ponca
Steep Wind. Teton
Struck By The Ree. Yankton
Stumbling Bear (Setimkia) Kiowa
Stumickosucks. Kainah
Tah-chee. Cherokee
Taimah. Fox
Tarhe . Wyandot
Taza. Chiricahua Apache
Tecumseh /Tecumtha / Shawnee
Ten Bears (Paria Semen) Comanche
Tenskwatawa (The Prophet). Shawnee. /Šaman/
The Six. Chippewa
Theyendanega. Mohawk
Three White Crows. Gros Ventre
Thunder Chief. Siksika
Thunder Hawk. Oglala Sioux
Tim Hill (Hustul). Nez Perce
Tomason. Nez Perce
Tosawi (Toshaway, Toshua, Silver Brooch). Comanche
Two Guns White Calf. Siksika
Two Hatchet. Kiowa
Two Leggings. Crow
Two Moons (Ishi'eyo Nissi) Northern Cheyennes
Two Strike (Nomkahpa) Brule Sioux
Uncas. Mohegan
Victorio. Apache
Wa-Na-Ta. Yanktonai
Wa-Pel-La. Fox
Wabokieshiek. Winnebago
Weasel Bear. Northern Cheyennes
Washakie. Shoshoni
Washunga. Kansa
White Buffalo. Northern Cheyenne
White Bull . Hunkpapa Sioux
White Eagle. Pawnee
White Eagle. Ponca
White Horse (Tsen-tainte). Kiowa
Wild Horse (Sunk Watogla). Oglala Sioux
Wolf Necklace. Palouse
Wolf Robe. Southern Cheyennes
Wooden Leg (Kummonk'Quiviokta). Northern Cheyennes
Wovoka (Jack Wilson; Wanekia). Northern Paiute
Wun-nes-tou (White Buffalo) Siksika
Yellow Bull. Nez Perce
Yellow Thunder (Wakunchakookah). Winnebago
Yellow Wolf (Hermene MoxMox). Nez Perce
Yoholomicco. Muskogee

Na Rubu Znanosti: David Icke - Pozadina ratova, financijske krize i ostalih svjetskih zbivanja
Take a moment every day to appreciate your most precious gift. It did not have to be, but we were given the gift of life. Honor that gift by living beautifully and by giving back a little beauty as we go along the way. Life wants nothing more than to be appreciated and fully enjoyed.
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