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 Saznaj vise o svom rodjendanu

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3 posters
Totalno relaxiran

Scorpio Buffalo
Broj postova : 1556
Godine : 39
Datum registracije : 04.06.2010

Saznaj vise o svom rodjendanu Empty
PostajNaslov: Saznaj vise o svom rodjendanu   Saznaj vise o svom rodjendanu I_icon_minitime05.06.10 16:21

You were born on a Wednesday.
Your star sign is Scorpio.
Your birthstone is Yellow Topaz or Citrine.
The season was Autumn.
You were born in the Chinese year of the Ox.
The US President was Ronald Reagan (Republican).
The UK Prime Minister was Margaret Thatcher (Conservative).
You are 24 years 6 months 15 days old.
It is 168 days until your next birthday.
In dog years you are 168 years old.
You are 8,963 days old.
You are approximately 215,127 hours old.
You are approximately 774,458,401 seconds old.
[Vrh] Go down
Totalno relaxiran

Scorpio Rooster
Broj postova : 2002
Godine : 67
Lokacija : sb
Datum registracije : 18.05.2010

Saznaj vise o svom rodjendanu Empty
PostajNaslov: Re: Saznaj vise o svom rodjendanu   Saznaj vise o svom rodjendanu I_icon_minitime05.06.10 16:40

  • You were born on a
  • Your star sign is
  • Your birthstone is
    Yellow Topaz or Citrine.
  • The season was
  • You were born in the Chinese year of the Rooster.
  • The US President was Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican).
  • The UK Prime Minister was Harold Macmillan (Conservative).
  • You are
    52 years 6 months 23 days old.
  • It is
    160 days until your next birthday.
  • In dog years you are
    364 years old.
  • You are
    19,198 days old.
  • You are approximately
    460,768 hours old.
  • You are approximately
    1,658,763,313 seconds old.
  • View
    a printable version of these results...
  • See
    links to more interesting information about 12th Nove
e sada da mi netko ovo prevede,učio sam Ruski Saznaj vise o svom rodjendanu 765814
[Vrh] Go down
Totalno relaxiran

Sagittarius Horse
Broj postova : 2371
Godine : 46
Datum registracije : 22.11.2011

Saznaj vise o svom rodjendanu Empty
PostajNaslov: Saznaj vise o svom rodjendanu   Saznaj vise o svom rodjendanu I_icon_minitime01.12.11 15:42

You were born on a Sunday.
Your star sign is Sagittarius.
Your birthstone is Blue Topaz or Turquoise.
The season was Winter.
You were born in the Chinese year of the Horse.
The US President was Jimmy Carter (Democratic).
The UK Prime Minister was James Callaghan (Labour).
You are 32 years 11 months 29 days old.
It is 2 days until your next birthday.
In dog years you are 224 years old. Laughing
You are 12,051 days old.
You are approximately 289,239 hours old.
You are approximately 1,041,259,334 seconds old.
[Vrh] Go down
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PostajNaslov: Re: Saznaj vise o svom rodjendanu   Saznaj vise o svom rodjendanu I_icon_minitime

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